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Six Essential Marketing Report Examples

January 18, 2022
February 3, 2022

Making high-quality marketing reports can be a bore and a snore, when the results should be hard to ignore! Our new gallery, featuring free, customizable marketing report examples, are perfect to use as a touchstone, cornerstone, or stepping stone on your journey towards marketing performance reports that inspire action and investment in your agency, media company, or brand. 

Head over to the NinjaCat Marketing Report Template Gallery to check out the full set of reports, all available for free download in slide format. 

Or, read on below for a preview of some of the report examples you’ll find in the full gallery. 

Executive Summary Report Example

Our Executive Summary Marketing Report Template gives you an outline to demonstrate the high-level impact of your marketing strategy, These slides narrow in on top line business results and actionable next steps without getting bogged down in the details. visualize marketing performance results.  

Google Ads Report Example

Our customizable Google Ads Report Template focuses on paid search and SEM. Visualize your campaign, creative, and keyword performance, lay out important demographic insights, and highlight relevant conversion analytics. 

Google Analytics Report Example

Our Google Analytics Report Template equips you with a website traffic analysis that compares organic and paid channels, illustrates specific performance metrics by device and location, and provides space where campaign progress can be measured and maintained. 

Facebook Ads Report Example

Our Facebook Ads Report Template helps frame your report around business goals and impact without getting bogged down in the details of vanity metrics that are often associated with social media reporting. The structure aligns performance metrics with relevant, actionable information to keep your campaigns strategically optimized. 

Programmatic Ads Report Example

Our Programmatic Ads Report Template allows you to plug in your display, video, and audio ad performance analytics and add annotations and insights into a high-quality presentation you can customize for your clients.

SEO Report Example

Our SEO Report Template combines common SEO performance KPIs with dedicated space for annotations and insights. This SEO report looks good, saves you time, and inspires clients to invest in the next campaign

Any marketer, in any vertical, can take these reports and presentation frameworks, enhance their reporting processes, and develop their appreciation for high-quality marketing data management, measurement, and analysis.

If you’re interested in upgrading from manual reporting to an automated digital marketing performance reporting software solution, we’re here to help! Set up some time to talk to us about how NinjaCat can help you scale high-quality reports across hundreds or thousands of clients.

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