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Webinar: Leader’s Crash Course on Taking a Company (or Team) Remote

March 31, 2020
April 1, 2021

Webinar: Leader's Crash Course on Taking a Company (or Team) Remote

“We’re humans -- we all need to connect,” encourages Paul as he kicks off the presentation.

Paul Deraval, co-founder and CEO of Ninjacat, joined forces with Jeff Mask, founder of MASK Principles and former VP of Success at Infusionsoft, to present a valuable and meaningful webinar, 'Leader's Crash Course on Taking a Company Remote.'

As the COVID-19 crisis continues to unfold, businesses, individuals, and overall the "norm," we used to know, has been disrupted. Many companies have transitioned to working remotely, some for the first time, and with that brings change, concern, and inevitably uncertainty.  

In this webinar Jeff and Paul, along with additional NinjaCat executives, share their tested-and-proven methods on not only instilling trust in your teams and clients during this uncertain time but also tips and philosophies that offer motivation and confidence to any leader determined to rise to the occasion, including:

Top 3 lessons learned from going remote

• How to help your team stay & feel connected

• Tips on managing conflict virtually (yes, it is possible and extremely important!)

• How to apply a proven methodology to maintain and improve trust remotely

Technology & tools to have in place to best communicate

• Critical actions to mitigate any security issues

• Ways to ensure you & your team stay productive and thrive

As always, NinjaCat is here to help. If you have any additional questions after viewing the webinar or would like to know more about the NinjaCat work culture and platform, do not hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected]! Let’s navigate this challenge together.

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